The pursuit of inclusive design cannot be separated from the pursuit of equal and equitable rights for all and dismantling systems of oppression. With that in mind, here are some resources to educate, build, and grow.


Diversity Resources for Industrial Designers

A doc with directories of BIPOC, disabled, LGBTQIA+, and female designers as well as job boards with a DEI focus.

Design Allyship

Founded by Ti Chang and Caterina Rizzoni, Design Allyship is dedicated to “Building diversity in industrial design & product design through allyship”. They have resources, panels, and more!

BIPOC Design History

From BIPOC Design History:
Black Design in America is the first in a series of BIPOC Centered design history courses facilitated by Polymode.
Through pre-recorded lectures, readings, and live discussions, the class will shed light on moments of oppression and visibility. The series revisits and rewrites the course of design history in a way that centers previously marginalized designers, cultural figures—and particularly BIPOC and QTPOC people.


Indigenous Allies: Calls to Action

Written by Morgan Tsetta (@morgantsettafilms) a collection of calls to action, media, and other resource guides for supporting the Indigenous community.

Anti-Asian Violence Resources

A collection of Anti-Asian Violence resources ranging from educational material, fundraisers, allyship guides, mental health, petitions, and more.

Black Lives Matter Resources

A collection of ways to help support the Black Lives Matter Movement. Resources for petitions, guides for protests, BLM groups worldwide, donations, voting guides, and more.


Disability Reframed

From Disability Reframed: Disability Reframed is a collaborative online learning community built out of a need for societal reeducation on disability. Education & resources found mostly on Instagram.